In Proverbs 29:18 we read, “Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.” (ESV)
We as ministry leaders need to keep our eyes on the Lord, hear and heed God’s Word, and seek to follow Him as He leads and guides us to lead and guide those we shepherd and serve.
To the praise of His glory,
Pr. 3:5-6
Quotable Quote: “Don't overcomplicate it. There are really just two things needed to get and keep everyone moving in the same direction. If we get two things, right, not only can everything else begin to line up...synergy can begin to happen!” Shawn Lovejoy: Two Requirements of Vision Alignment
We as ministry leaders need to keep our eyes on the Lord, hear and heed God’s Word, and seek to follow Him as He leads and guides us to lead and guide those we shepherd and serve.
To the praise of His glory,
Pr. 3:5-6
Quotable Quote: “Don't overcomplicate it. There are really just two things needed to get and keep everyone moving in the same direction. If we get two things, right, not only can everything else begin to line up...synergy can begin to happen!” Shawn Lovejoy: Two Requirements of Vision Alignment