As a leader of a Southern Baptist Association and the Executive Director of the Southern Baptist Conference of Associational Leaders (SBCAL), I care deeply about the effectiveness and relevance of our associations. This week I highlight various perspectives and food for thought about the health and future of Baptist associations.
I may not agree with every thought expressed, but these writers give us all pause to pray and reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of our association, and then to seek ways to enhance effectiveness.
I hope these articles will be helpful to you.
To the praise of His glory,
Pr. 3:5-6
Quotable Quote: “In short, the mission of the Association is to bring churches together to bless their region in the name of Jesus, and the role of the Associational Missionary is to help pastors and lay-leaders understand how best to get this done, and equip the churches to lead the effort. You can’t do that if you don’t know the churches AND the communities in which they reside.” Joel Rainey, The Future of Baptist Associations: Identity Crisis, as seen in SBC Voices
I hope these articles will be helpful to you.
To the praise of His glory,
Pr. 3:5-6
Quotable Quote: “In short, the mission of the Association is to bring churches together to bless their region in the name of Jesus, and the role of the Associational Missionary is to help pastors and lay-leaders understand how best to get this done, and equip the churches to lead the effort. You can’t do that if you don’t know the churches AND the communities in which they reside.” Joel Rainey, The Future of Baptist Associations: Identity Crisis, as seen in SBC Voices