I hope you and your family are looking forward to spring as I am. It is my favorite time of the year.
Here are “Four Helpful Things To Know” for you and your ministry.
Here are “Four Helpful Things To Know” for you and your ministry.
9 Conversation Starters to Help You Get Out of a Prayer Rut Conversation with good friends runs the gamut of human experience: you laugh, you cry, you listen, you lament, you enjoy. It’s one of life’s greatest delights. Remarkably, you can have this same level of conversation with a two-year-old and an eighty-two-year-old. And yet, when God joins the conversation (prayer), everything stiffens up. It’s like your mom has just walked into a sleepover. |
Complementarianism, confessionalism and cooperation Southern Baptists are overwhelmingly a complementarian convention of churches. This means we are committed to biblical teachings about distinct-yet-complementary gender roles for men and women, as well as the principle of male leadership in the family and the church. |
The SBC, Complementarianism, the Office of Pastor, & the Way Forward? February 10, 2021, I posted a twitter thread about “pastors/complementarianism” due to the amount of conversation I was observing on Social Media (SM) around the topic. This thread preceded both SBC 2021, SBC 2022, and the whole dust up with Rick Warren including the revelation that he was ordaining women as “pastors” but not “elders.” Almost two years later, there still seem to be questions around this issue. |
10 Ways to Lead a Great Team Meeting Few in ministry have actually been trained in leading meetings. Yet, it’s one of the essential, ongoing responsibilities we have as leaders. I’ve witnessed some terrible meetings that were terrible solely because of the poor oversight of the ones leading them. Your ability to lead efficient and effective meetings directly translates into your ability to get people to attend and enjoy them. |
May the Lord bless you and use you for His glory this spring.
Your brother in Christ,