Small Group Bible studies, Sunday School classes, Cell Groups, etc., can be and should be very impactful in making disciples. But there needs to be an intentional effort to do them effectively with excellence, not half-heartedly.
I hope the following articles will encourage you and help equip you. In addition, the Southside Baptist Network is also sponsoring an Equipping the Saints Church Strengthening Conference to
I hope the following articles will encourage you and help equip you. In addition, the Southside Baptist Network is also sponsoring an Equipping the Saints Church Strengthening Conference to
better equip leaders of small groups of all ages (and other church leadership) on Saturday morning, September 19, from 8:45am-12:35pm at FBC Jonesboro. I hope you will make plans to join us on that date if you live near by. To register, go to www.southsidebaptistnetwork.org/equipping.
For God’s glory,
Pr. 3:5-6
Quotable Quote: “Offering a short test-drive is the best way to engage more people in small groups.” Mark Howell
For God’s glory,
Pr. 3:5-6
Quotable Quote: “Offering a short test-drive is the best way to engage more people in small groups.” Mark Howell
Ray's Top Five this week:
1. Small Groups Are Not One Size Fits All, Michael Kelley
2. Are Your Small Groups Working? Dan Reiland
3. How Pastors Ruin Their Small Group Ministries , Allen White
4. 10 Ways to Make Your Small Group More Evangelistic, Thom Rainer
5. 5 Small Group Secrets and Shortcuts You Need to Know, Mark Howell