A Word to the Wise: Admired Leadership Field Notes
What gets rewarded in organizations is what gets done. Good leaders never change a strategy without ensuring that the reward and recognition scheme advances the differences they hope to see. Leaders always get what they reward.
Admired Leadership Field Notes, 10.10.24, With a New Strategy, Be Sure the Old Structures Still Support It
What gets rewarded in organizations is what gets done. Good leaders never change a strategy without ensuring that the reward and recognition scheme advances the differences they hope to see. Leaders always get what they reward.
Admired Leadership Field Notes, 10.10.24, With a New Strategy, Be Sure the Old Structures Still Support It
Here are Four Things to Know this Week:
To the praise of His glory,
- Send Relief Videos Available for Churches
- 5 Benefits of Limiting Group Size (Ken Braddy)
- One Year After Deadly Hamas Attacks on Israel, Send Relief Partners Continue Ministering in the Region
- Empowering Deacons: 5 Crucial Conversations
To the praise of His glory,